Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Why Division One Athletes Should not Be Paind by their...

Dr. Brenà © Brown, a writer, researcher, and educator was quoted as saying, â€Å"what separates privilege from entitlement is gratitude.† By focusing in on today’s society, ethics has taken a backseat to making an extra buck. While Division One Universities are making upward from seven to nine figures in revenue each year off of their athletics department, athletes on athletic scholarships are starting to get intolerant to not receiving any incentives for playing the game they love. These athletes are becoming so disheartened by the system that they are now speaking out to the NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) and the NLRB (National Labor Relations Board) about how they deserve to receive cash incentives for the performance and time they devote to their athletics for the University. However, why should these athletes be entitled to additional money? They should be grateful for the privileges and opportunities they receive at the University and reap the benefits that are intangible to them. Division One athletes should not be able to receive payment in order to participate in their Universities Athletic programs. One-Hundred and Twenty-Five Thousand dollars a year is how much some Division One Collegiate Athletes on Athletic scholarships are getting paid up to each year according to Forbes.com. When it comes down to it, why do they need to be paid anymore? These student athletes who are already on athletic scholarship are essentially being compensated already due to

Monday, December 16, 2019

A Clinical Psychology Free Essays

Clinical psychology is just one of several subdivisions of psychology, focusing on mental disorders and emotional instabilities. A clinical psychologist prevents, evaluates, and treats these problems in individuals. Clinical psychology is an important profession nowadays. We will write a custom essay sample on A Clinical Psychology or any similar topic only for you Order Now Looking back, the thought of school shootings were unthinkable. Back then, the children who exhibited severe emotional/mental problems were identified and referred to for help. Now they are ignored until they come to school with guns and kill people. Then, instead of being seen as a mental health problem, it becomes a legal problem. Unfortunately, it’s become quite difficult to prosper in this profession. Managed care has cut reimbursement for psychology to such an extent that private practice is becoming almost unfeasable. It is possible, though. Depending on the state, there are licensing requirements. Here in Ohio, that means taking a rigorous exam, and having the educational and supervisory requirements. For instance, one will need a Ph.D. and one year of supervised experience before being able to even sit for the exam. It’s difficult to receive a Ph.D. One must graduate college with virtually straight A’s, and then it’s 4-6 years of graduate school. Once the person is fianlly licensed, they can set up their practice. The Federal Government recognizes education and experience in certifying applicants for entry-level positions. In general, the starting salary for psychologists having a bachelor’s degree was about $20,600 in 1999; those with superior academic records could begin at $25,500. Psychologists with a master’s degree and 1 year of experience could start at $31,200 . Psychologists having a Ph.D. or Psy.D. degree and 1 year of internship could start at $37,800, and some individuals with experience could start at $45,200. Beginning salaries were slightly higher in selected areas of the country where the prevailing local pay level was higher. The average annual salary for psychologists in the Federal Government was $66,800 in early 1999. The working conditions for a clinical psychologist is the same as a psychologist in any other field of study. Clinical psychologists work in comfortable office settings, classrooms, or laboratories. Some that are in a private practice choose to set their own hours, but may have to work evenings and weekends to accommodate client schedules. For clinical psychologists that teach at places of education, they might divide their time between teaching, research, and administrative responsibilities. The types of jobs available are working in counseling centers, independent or group practices, hospitals, or clinics. As you can see, there’s a wide variety of places to work, it’s based on the person’s preference. In conclusion, clinical psychologists might have a rough time making it to the top, but once they do, it’ll be worthwhile in both pay and experience. How to cite A Clinical Psychology, Papers A Clinical Psychology Free Essays Clinical psychology is just one of several subdivisions of psychology, focusing on mental disorders and emotional instabilities. A clinical psychologist prevents, evaluates, and treats these problems in individuals. Clinical psychology is an important profession nowadays. We will write a custom essay sample on A Clinical Psychology or any similar topic only for you Order Now Looking back, the thought of school shootings were unthinkable. Back then, the children who exhibited severe emotional/mental problems were identified and referred to for help. Now they are ignored until they come to school with guns and kill people. Then, instead of being seen as a mental health problem, it becomes a legal problem. Unfortunately, it’s become quite difficult to prosper in this profession. Managed care has cut reimbursement for psychology to such an extent that private practice is becoming almost unfeasable. It is possible, though. Depending on the state, there are licensing requirements. Here in Ohio, that means taking a rigorous exam, and having the educational and supervisory requirements. For instance, one will need a Ph.D. and one year of supervised experience before being able to even sit for the exam. It’s difficult to receive a Ph.D. One must graduate college with virtually straight A’s, and then it’s 4-6 years of graduate school. Once the person is fianlly licensed, they can set up their practice. The Federal Government recognizes education and experience in certifying applicants for entry-level positions. In general, the starting salary for psychologists having a bachelor’s degree was about $20,600 in 1999; those with superior academic records could begin at $25,500. Psychologists with a master’s degree and 1 year of experience could start at $31,200 . Psychologists having a Ph.D. or Psy.D. degree and 1 year of internship could start at $37,800, and some individuals with experience could start at $45,200. Beginning salaries were slightly higher in selected areas of the country where the prevailing local pay level was higher. The average annual salary for psychologists in the Federal Government was $66,800 in early 1999. The working conditions for a clinical psychologist is the same as a psychologist in any other field of study. Clinical psychologists work in comfortable office settings, classrooms, or laboratories. Some that are in a private practice choose to set their own hours, but may have to work evenings and weekends to accommodate client schedules. For clinical psychologists that teach at places of education, they might divide their time between teaching, research, and administrative responsibilities. The types of jobs available are working in counseling centers, independent or group practices, hospitals, or clinics. As you can see, there’s a wide variety of places to work, it’s based on the person’s preference. In conclusion, clinical psychologists might have a rough time making it to the top, but once they do, it’ll be worthwhile in both pay and experience. How to cite A Clinical Psychology, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Market Performance Level Under Different †Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Market Performance And Price Level Under Different? Answer: Introduction The price of different product is one of the important parameter which decides upon the supply and demand rate in the market. It is often believed that in slow Economic growth circumstances, it is often effective to lower the level of pricing of consumer products. Lower level of pricing will thereby help to increase the total amount of sales and hence, more profit can be earned. However, according to many expert economists, the pricing strategy of a product should be done according to the level of demand. If the prices of the products are raised too high by the sellers, where the demand of a product is less than they can offer it will end up having surplus products. The sellers, will then have to sell those products act much lower rate until and unless the stock is over. On the other hand is the prices of the products are set too low, and then it will be possible to sell the entire stock before the demand is being fulfilled. This will ultimately lead to a shortage of consumer product s with in the market. Moreover it will lead to more loss for the sellers. With increased level of prices, the total number of suppliers for a product also increases due to the fact that they are able to make better amount of profit. The demand of a product also increases due to lowering price level. In the given context, the current report will discuss about the effects of pricing drop that are done in business with the intention of improving the profit level. The effects of price drops will be discussed by comparing the same across different industries. General Principal and relevant Concepts According to the work of Ingenbleek et al. (2013), the prices of product are generally being decided with the approach of choice between market penetrating price and market skimming. Research paper also highlighted about various complexities that are involved in the consumer market about deciding the level of prices during the time of product entry. It is important for the marketing manager to use different parameters in order to compare the pricing of a product that has been introduced in the market. This comparison is being made with similar kinds of products, which are already present in the market. The high level of complexity that is involved in deciding upon the pricing of a product is due to the fact that if prices are too high, then a company might lose majority of the potential customers. Hence, according to Ingenbleek et al. (2013), during the time, when a new product is being introduced in the market, the prices are generally kept at lower level. The negative impact of thi s decision making process is due to the fact that it can compromise upon the immediate profit potential that a company could have made. With high level of profit, it can also be possible for the company to improve upon the features and quality that are being offered within a particular product. Another negative aspect of this strategy is due to the fact that most of the Potential customers might lose trust over the product due to the fact that most of the customers have a belief that is not possible to get good quality product at lower level of pricing. Hence, the reputation of the product is at stake in long term process. Alghalith, et al. (2014), have suggested that new pricing techniques will be implemented that can help in the process of deciding the product pricing. Hence, it is evident that Product pricing strategy is an important criterion, which decides upon its market performance. The pricing of a product should be decided upon its current market value and demand among the consumers. The level of competition or cost informed pricing strategy along with value informed pricing strategy is being used in the current techniques. Thereby it can be said that lowering the level of prices may not be an effective technique as the cost of the product will always depend upon current market demand among the potential customers The research paper of Tappata (2006), has discussed the effects of the poor level of information that are being provided to the customers while deciding upon the pricing of a product. It is important for the business organisations to provide the correct information about the factors, which decides upon the price of a product. The customers often face price dispersion due to the fact that the same product can have different level of pricing across different stores or brands. The research paper of Tappata (2006), highlighted about the term called Consumer search price, which is the cost the customers have to bear, while they shift from one brand to other in the intention of getting the product at much lower rate. It has been seen that in many markets the price of consumer product rises at much greater rate than it falls, which is at much lower rates. This can be one of the major reasons for lower level of competitive advantage among many business firms. Hence it is evident from the fac t that the companies should have the potential to fluctuate their pricing of product depending upon the current market demand. As the companies are able to fluctuate the pricing depending upon the customer's demand, it is possible for them reduce the cost of the search price that are spent by the customers. Application of price drops in retail/grocery and electronic industry According to Wu et al. (2016), the business forms selling basic consumer products like grocery or retail items need to have effective pricing strategies depending upon the situation of the market. Fluctuations in the pricing of basic consumer product can have significant effect on the profit level of a company. However, Berg et al. (2015), argued about the fact that companies do not have to face high level of challenge while deciding upon the price of retail and basic grocery products due to the fact that the demand of these products are always high. This therefore provider company the opportunity to impose high level of pricing. There are very minor changes among the customer with the fluctuation in the pricing of basic grocery products. The demand of the grocery product is always high among the consumer market and is irrelevant of the level of supply within the market. Carranza et al. (2015), have mentioned about the fact that retail and grocery manufactures rely upon the price promotion strategies that is one of the effective ways to increase the level of sales in the market. This can have serious effects on the overall revenues that are being made by the companies. From the research work of Modak et al. (2015), it is clear about the fact that lower pricing strategies can have little level of long term effect on the overall volume of sales. The revenue and the profit margin also can quickly get back to the baseline. On the other hand, the effects on the short term scale can be both positive and negative, which depends upon the situations. The effects of the price drops within the electronic industrial products are quite different from that of the retail or grocery products. The most relevant and basic differences between this industry is due to the fact that the demand of the electronic products are quite low compared to that of the retail or grocery products. Hence, unlike the customers products in the retail industry, the manufactures in the electronic products do not have the opportunity to higher the prices of the products. Moreover, due to the fact that there is more number of electronic suppliers in the market than the rate of actual demand, the surge in the price can thereby have the effect of lowering the sales volume (Kassakian and Jahns 2013). Effect of Price Drops among customers and business man Mao et al. (2017), have mentioned about the fact that the buying decisions that are made by the customers are dependent on the level of pricing. It is also relevant to mention in the context that the effects of the price drops can vary among different types of groups. This mainly depends upon the fact that many customers do not have faith over the quality of the products, when the prices of the products are lowered. On the other hand, the companies can make more profit from certain group of customers. From the point of view of the business owners, it is essential from them to decide upon the policy of price drops depending upon the buying behaviour or the psychology of the target groups of customers. Conclusion On the conclusion note, it can be said that the effects of price drop can vary within the consumers market depending upon the level of demand of particular products. It is the duty of the marketing managers to analyze the level of the demand market and the volume of the supply chain. The effects of the price drop in the consumer market can vary depending upon the types of industry and the type or buying behaviour of target customers groups. Reference Alghalith, M., Floros, C. and Poufinas, T., 2014. Simplified option pricing techniques (No. 11-2014). Democritus University of Thrace, Department of Economics. Berg, M., Hartley, B. and Richters, O., 2015. A stock-flow consistent inputoutput model with applications to energy price shocks, interest rates, and heat emissions. New journal of physics, 17(1), p.015011. Carranza, J.E., Clark, R. and Houde, J.F., 2015. Price controls and market structure: Evidence from gasoline retail markets. The Journal of Industrial Economics, 63(1), pp.152-198. Ingenbleek, P., Frambach, R.T. and Verhallen, T.M., 2013. Best practices for new product pricing: impact on market performance and price level under different conditions. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 30(3), pp.560-573. Kassakian, J.G. and Jahns, T.M., 2013. Evolving and emerging applications of power electronics in systems. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 1(2), pp.47-58. Mao, T., Lau, W.H., Shum, C., Chung, H.S.H., Tsang, K.F. and Tse, N.C.F., 2017. A Regulation Policy of EV Discharging Price for Demand Scheduling. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. Modak, N.M., Panda, S. and Sana, S.S., 2016. Pricing policy and coordination for a distribution channel with manufacturer suggested retail price. International Journal of Systems Science: Operations Logistics, 3(2), pp.92-101. Tappata, M., 2006. Consumer Search, Price Dispersion, and Asymmetric Pricing (Doctoral dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles). Wu, L., Liu, S. and Yang, Y., 2016. Grey double exponential smoothing model and its application on pig price forecasting in China. Applied Soft Computing, 39, pp.117-123.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Research Methodology free essay sample

The term research refers to the systematic method consisting of enunciating the problem, formulating a hypothesis , collecting the facts or data , analyzing the facts and reaching the certain conclusions either in the form of solutions toward the concerned problems or in certain generalizations for some theoretical formulations It is actually a voyage of discovery Research Purposes To gain familiarity with a phenomenon or to achieve new insights into the object-( termed a exploratory or formulative research studies) To portray accurately the characteristics of a particular individual , situation or a group- termed as descriptive research studies. To determine the frequency with which something occur s or with which it is associated with something else (studies with this object in view are knows a s diagnostic research studies To test a hypothesis of a causal relationship between variables (such studies r known as hypothesis-testing research studies Significance of Research In the field of applied economics whether related to business or to the country as a whole. We will write a custom essay sample on Research Methodology or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page – increasingly complex nature of business , as an aid to economic policy both for government and business. Provides the basis for nearly all government policies in our economic system- govt. budgets, basis for policy development Special significance in solving various operational and planning problems of business and industry . operational research, marketing research. and along with motivational research is considered crucial that results in business decision making. Equally important for social scientists in studying social relationships and seeking answer to the various social problem. Basic Types of Research Descriptive vs. Analytical: Descriptive research includes surveys and fact-findings enquiries of different kinds for the purpose of description of the state of affairs as it exist at present. Case Ref: HRM Practice in Grameen Phone for Employee Retention On the other hand Analytical research use facts or information that already available , and analyze these to make a critical evaluation of the material. Case Ref: Performance Measurement or business and its activity. Applied vs. Fundamental: Applied research aims at finding a solution for and immediate problem facing a society or an industry or business. , Case Ref: Applied research in complex accounting and reporting issue Where as fundamental research is mainly concerned with generalizations and with the formulation of a theory. Case Ref. Educational Research Quantitative vs. Qualitative: Quantitative research based on the measurement of quantity or amount. Case Ref. Population Survey or CENSUS Qualitative research is concerned with qualitative phenomenon, i. e. . Relating to or involving quality or kind ex. Case Ref. Population Survey, Human behavior or job satisfactions. Concept vs. Empirical: Conceptual research is related to some abstract ideas or reinterpret existing ones. Case Ref. New Product / Business Development On the other hand Empirical research relies on experience or observation alone Case Ref. Empirical Inquires and Investigation on various case Study. Others Research: Field research, laboratory research, historical research etc. Research Methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It may be understood as a science of studying how research is done scientifically, where we study the various steps or that are generally adopted by a researcher in studying the problem along with logic behind them. The researcher should know not only the methods/technique but also the methodology. Researcher not only need to know how to develop certain indices or tests, how to calculate the mean, median, mode, SD but they also need to know which of these methods or techniques are relevant and which area not, and what would be mean and indicate to take decision / action under certain criteria/assumption or standard. All this means that are necessary for the researcher to design his methodology for his problem as the same may differ from problem to problem Scope of Research Methodology The scope of research methodologies includes research methods and the logic behinds the methods we use in the context of our research study and explain why we are using a particular method or technique and why we are not using others so that research results are capable of being evaluated either by the researcher himself or by others. Why a research study has been undertaken? How the research problem has been defined? In what way and why the hypothesis has been formulated ? What data have been collected and why particular method has been adopted, what particular technique is used n similar other questions are usually answered when we talk of research methodology concerning a research problem or study ? Qualities of Good Research Good research is systematic : that is structured with specified steps in a sequence as defined set of rules. Good research is logical: that is logical reasoning and logical process or great value in carrying out research. Logical research makes research more meaningful in the context of decision making. Good research is Empirical: related to one or more aspects of a real situation and deals with concrete data for external validity purpose. Good research is Replicable: Research results to be verified by replicating the study and thereby a sound basis for decision. PROBLEM FACED IN RESEARCH lack of scientific training in the methodology of research Insufficient interaction between the university research departments Lack of confidence on researcher due to misuse of core information Researcher studies overlapping one another are undertaken quite often for want of adequate information. There doesn’t exist a code of conduct for researchers and inter-university and inter departmental rivalries are also quite common. Lack of adequate and timely secretarial assistance There is also the difficulty of timely available of published data from various government and other agencies. Case Ref: HRM Practice in Grameen Phone for Employee Retention Problem Statement strong competition in Business (Inter/Nationally) especially cause of scarce high education talent, and makes employee retention a significant move in keeping competitive Edge. Employee retention refers to policies and practices companies use to prevent valuable employees from leaving their job An effective human resource management practices namely employee empowerment, training and development, appraisal system compensation are the main factor for the success of a firm on employee retention Quantitative data was collected using the non probability self administered questionnaire that consist of questions with 5-points Likert scales distributed to our samples of 278 individuals. By using a Multiple Regression Analysis, it is found that, training and development, appraisal system, compensation package are significant to employee retention except employee empowerment Employees are the backbone of an organization. Hence, the retention of the employees is important in keeping the organization on track. In order to retain the best talents, strategies aimed at satisfying employee’s needs are implemented, regardless of global companies or small-sized firms. Hypothesis Of Study Employee Training H0: There is no significant relationship between employee training and employee retention. H1: There is significant relationship between employee training and employee retention. Appraisal System H0: There is no significant relationship between appraisal system and employee retention. H1: There is significant relationship between appraisal system and employee retention. Employee Compensation H0: There is no significant relationship between employee compensation and employee retention. H1: There is significant relationship between employee compensation and employee retention. Employee Empowerment H0: There is no significant relationship between employee empowerment and employee retention. H1: There is significant relationship between employee empowerment and employee retention. According to the model summary above, the R square value had gain 0. 680, which is 68 percent. These mean that 68% of dependent variable of retention can be explained by it 4 independent variable. The independent variable refer to include employee empowerment, compensation, training and appraisal system in this research, it will conclude that 32% (100% 68%) of dependent variable of retention is explained by other potential factors. The value of adjusted R square with value of 0. 463 which 46. 3% represented the significant contribution of the 4 independent variable toward dependent variable. Table ANOVA Model Summary Table at above determine satisfactory result as the significance level of the model is not over or smaller than 0. 05. Thus, model that used in this research is good. Multiple Regression Analysis Table . Multiple Regression Coefficient Multiple Regression equation: Y= C + ? X1 + ? X2 + ? X3 +†¦.. + ? Xn Y= Prediction relationship of types of variables toward retention. C= Constant value. ?= Unstandardized coefficient. X= Dimension of independent variable (employee empowerment, compensation, training and appraisal system). Based on the above table, we able to derive the following equation: Y= 0. 577 + 0. 047X1 + 0. 413X2 + 0. 155X3 + 0. 262X4 This can be interpreted that the increase of 1 unit of employee empowerment (X1) may incur the raise of 0. 047 units in retention (Y). However, for the independent variable of compensation, every 1 unit of increase will incur the raise of 0. 413 units in dependentvariable, retention. On the others hand, 1 unit increase in training may cause 0. 155 units of retention to increase. Finally, appraisal variable also have a constant relation with retention, it is every 1 unit increase in appraisal with incur the raise of 0. 262 units in retention. The highest beta indicates the independent variable is the most significant variable toward it dependent variable. From the table above, the independent variable of compensation has the highest positive beta of 0. 378, this mean that the independent variable of compensation has contribute the most and has stronger effect toward the retention if compare to others independent variable. Discussions on Major Findings Hypothesis Result Supported H1 : There is significant relationship between employee empowerment and employee retention. r =0. 417 p=0. 454 (p 0. 05) No H2 : There is significant relationship between employee compensation and employee retention. r = 0. 608 p = 0. 00 (p 0. 01) Yes H3 : There is significant relationship between employee training and employee retention. r = 0. 485 p = 0. 013 (p 0. 05) Yes H4 : There is significant relationship between appraisal system and employee retention. r = 0. 579 p = 0. 00 (p 0. 01) Yes The findings found from this study will be particularly useful for top organization to understand how they can do better to improve their employee retention strategy. the study provide empirical evidence that supports all the above independent variables to be significantly affecting the employee retention. As what the study has shown, there are significant relationship between the factors of training, compensation and appraisal on Employee retention. However, the factor of empowerment is not so significantly related to employee retention as founded from this study. This reflects the major finding of this study on how different culture might have different expectation on determining their employment satisfaction and retention.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Essay on Legalization of Same-Sex MarriageEssay Writing Service

Essay on Legalization of Same-Sex MarriageEssay Writing Service Essay on Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage Essay on Legalization of Same-Sex MarriageEveryone would agree that the increase of humanism and tolerance in the society is a positive tendency. At the same time, such tendency leads to the transformation of the society and the changes caused by greater tolerance are often controversial. One of highly controversial social issues is the legalization of same-sex marriage. Some 50 years ago, people could be arrested for having a partner of the same sex. Nowadays the attitudes have changed, and although there still exist many stereotypes, gays and lesbians are finally recognized as equal members of the society along with heterosexual persons. Despite greater tolerance, there are ongoing debates on the legalization of same-sex marriage. The main thesis of this paper is the following: same-sex marriage should be legalized since it will further reduce discrimination of same-sex couples, provide opportunities for realizing their social potential and will strengthen the equality and toleranc e in the society in general.The institution of marriage is changing along with other social institutions in the society. The number of countries and states where same sex marriage was legalized is increasing. By the end of 2011, 10 countries and 7 states legalized same-sex marriages (Chamie Mirkin, 2011). Such legal changes contribute to the promotion of non-discrimination in the society and enhance social equality. Indeed, a family is defined as the fundamental social group usually consisting of two parents and their children (Meezan Rauch, 2005) or a group of two or more people sharing goals and values and having long-term commitments (Clarke Finlay, 2004). Most of the definitions of family do not require partners to have different genders; children can be adopted or born using in-vitro fertilization or the help of surrogate mother. Therefore, legalizing same-sex marriage will help such families to become equal in rights with traditional families. Such equality will promote bet ter psychological, social and physical well-being of same-sex couples.The children who are reared in same-sex couples will also benefit from legalization of same-sex marriage because they will be able to receive adequate social support and protection. Furthermore, such children will perceive their parents and families as an integral part of the society; such changes of perception will contribute to greater social tolerance and equality in the future. Furthermore, the legalization of same-sex marriages will also have positive economic consequences for LGBT couples and for the country in general. Indeed, same-sex partners will be able to optimize their taxes and combine their earnings; they will get access to spousal health insurance, joint retirement investments, etc. According to Clarke Finlay (2004), federal budget and local budgets will also benefit from the legalization of same-sex marriage in the long-term perspective due to the reduction of cash assistance requests and Medicar e spending.There are several key arguments used by the opponents of same-sex marriages. The first and foremost argument is the negative impact of same-sex families on children. According to Muhlestein (2007), the argument against same-sex marriage is that it is damaging the traditional institution of family. The research of Joslin (2011) shows that marriage has an equally positive effect on financial well-being and on the stability and durability of the relationship between spouses. Furthermore, it was determined that children in same-sex families demonstrate similar development, social skills and life satisfaction compared to children from traditional families. Joslin (2011) states that the key factor influencing the well-being of children in same-sex families was the presence of prejudiced attitude to such non-traditional family: the lower the rate of prejudice was, the smaller was the difference between well-being of children from same-sex families and traditional families.Anothe r major argument against the legalization of same-sex marriage is the suggestion that it will encourage young people to choose same-sex partners and therefore will affect the processes of natural reproduction in the society. However, it is shown that both genetics and society influence the choices of homosexual people (Chamie Mirkin, 2011); in other words, the tendency to choose same-sex partners is driven by biological characteristics of a human being. The environment might indeed increase the chances for a child with LGBT inclination to engage in same-sex relationships. However, the legalization of same-sex marriages will help to reduce the ongoing debate about the discrimination of LBGT people and will help them to integrate in the society. This means in particular that the legalization of same-sex marriage will lead to the decrease of attention to LGBT questions and therefore children will be exposed to less information pertaining to LGBT than nowadays. In such circumstances, c hildren will be more likely to follow their natural preferences than in the situation of the ongoing social debate and increased social attention to homosexuality.Therefore, it is necessary to legalize same-sex marriage in order to make the society more equal, more efficient and more tolerant. In this case, same-sex couples will have the rights comparable with the rights of traditional couples. Same-sex families and children growing in these families will be better off due to the legalization of same-sex marriages, and there will be economic benefits influencing the whole society. Furthermore, the research of Joslin (2011) refutes the key argument of the opponents of same-sex marriage: it was shown that the well-being of children in same-sex families is the same as that of children in traditional families, and can be decreased mostly by the stereotypes pertaining to same-sex families. The legalization of same-sex marriage will help to eliminate these stereotypes and therefore improv e the well-being of children in these families. In addition, such decision will reduce the attention paid by the public to the questions of same-sex relationships and therefore reduce the potential impact of LGBT information on personal choices of young people. Therefore, due to the perceived positive effects on the society same-sex marriage should be legalized in the United States and worldwide.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Using a Timer in MS Office VBA Macros

Using a Timer in MS Office VBA Macros For those of us who have our minds deeply into VB.NET, the journey back to VB6 can be a confusing trip. Using a Timer in VB6 is like that. At the same time, adding timed processes to your code is not obvious to new users of VBA Macros. Timers For Newbies Coding a Word VBA macro to automatically time a test that was written in Word is a typical reason for using a timer. Another common reason is to see just how much time is being taken by different parts of your code so you can work on optimizing the slow sections. Sometimes, you might want to see if anything is happening in the application when the computer seems to be just sitting there idle, which can be a security problem. Timers can do that. Start a Timer You start a timer by coding an OnTime statement. This statement is implemented in Word and Excel, but it has different syntax depending on which one youre using.  The syntax for Word is: expression.OnTime(When, Name, Tolerance) The syntax for Excel looks like this: expression.OnTime(EarliestTime, Procedure, LatestTime, Schedule) Both have the first and second parameter in common. The second parameter is the name of another macro that runs when the time in the first parameter is reached. In effect, coding this statement is like creating an event subroutine in VB6 or VB.NET terms. The event is reaching the time in the first parameter. The event subroutine is the second parameter. This is  different from the way it is coded in VB6 or VB.NET. For one thing, the macro named in the second parameter can be in any code that is accessible. In a Word document, Microsoft recommends putting it in the Normal document template. If you put it in another module, Microsoft recommends using the full path: Project.Module.Macro. The expression is usually the Application object. The Word and Excel documentation states that the third parameter can cancel the execution of the event macro in case a dialog or some other process prevents it from running within a certain time. In Excel, you can schedule a new time in case that happens. Code the Time Event Macro This code in Word is for the administrator who wants to display a notification that the testing time has expired and print the result of the test. Public Sub TestOnTime()Debug.Print The alarm will go off in 10 seconds!Debug.Print (Before OnTime: Now)alertTime Now TimeValue(00:00:10)Application.OnTime alertTime, EventMacroDebug.Print (After OnTime: Now)End SubSub EventMacro()Debug.Print (Executing Event Macro: Now)End Sub This results in the following content in the immediate window: The alarm will go off in 10 seconds!Before OnTime: 12/25/2000 7:41:23 PMAfter OnTime: 12/25/2000 7:41:23 PMExecuting Event Macro: 2/27/2010 7:41:33 PM Option for Other Office Apps Other Office applications dont implement OnTime. For those, you have several choices. First, you can use the Timer function, which simply returns the number of seconds since midnight on your PC, and does your own math, or you can use Windows API calls. Using Windows API calls has the advantage of being more precise than Timer. Heres a routine suggested by Microsoft that does the trick: Private Declare Function getFrequency Lib kernel32 _Alias QueryPerformanceFrequency (cyFrequency As Currency) As LongPrivate Declare Function getTickCount Lib kernel32 _Alias QueryPerformanceCounter (cyTickCount As Currency) As LongSub TestTimeAPICalls()Dim dTime As DoubledTime MicroTimerDim StartTime As SingleStartTime TimerFor i 1 To 10000000Dim j As Doublej Sqr(i)NextDebug.Print (MicroTimer Time taken was: MicroTimer - dTime)End SubFunction MicroTimer() As Double Returns seconds.Dim cyTicks1 As CurrencyStatic cyFrequency As CurrencyMicroTimer 0 Get frequency.If cyFrequency 0 Then getFrequency cyFrequency Get ticks.getTickCount cyTicks1 SecondsIf cyFrequency Then MicroTimer cyTicks1 / cyFrequencyEnd Function

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Proposal Outline Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Proposal - Outline Example In order to get a solution to this, the telecommunications company had to undertake a market research by deciding to employ Netezza data warehouse appliance as the only vender who performed above the rest, as far as their scalability, simplicity, performance and total cost of ownership was concerned (Froggatt, 2009, 1). According to Froggatt, (2009, 1), the most important requirement of the project was its seamless nature to the business users, and would make the company carry on with its existing tools with the Oracle alongside the new improvements by Netezza. From the proven results above it is seen that Netezza’s performance is 252 times faster than Oracle. This makes the information system even simpler as far as its management is concerned. The company has therefore had dramatic positive results with Netezza as its enterprise data warehouse of choice and the world’s number one in BI software. As a business object and a query tool, the biggest benefit has been the increased company performance (Froggatt, 2009, 2). Therefore, it is worth noting that business objects solutions are basically designed with the purpose of helping organizations gain much better insight concerning their businesses, enhanced enterprise performance as well as improved decision making. It is of prime importance that any information technology system needs to be faster on average speed, such that it can support any type of query. There was need to improve speed of the system in the company (Froggatt, 2009, 2). Secondly, the company systems needed to be simple in their approach, which is quite vital for the users and the information technology department. In implementing new technologies, the complexity of traditional database implementations needed to be cut out, and this could only be delivered by using the most appropriate data warehouse appliances. The use of database administration team needs to be as minimal as possible. This can only be achieved by

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

To analyze the process of Argos' shopping design and supply chain, and Essay

To analyze the process of Argos' shopping design and supply chain, and to implement a business process improvement (My subject - Essay Example They include customer service, procurement, and manufacturing, each of which directly impact into the firm’s performance. They are also classified according to whether they are key or secondary processes; key processes directly impact upon the firm’s mission and strategies (Radhakrishnan & Balasubramanian, 2008). Companies that deliver goods more frequently use methods and techniques involving materials movement and processing. Compared to companies that deliver services, manufacturing and merchandising businesses are more involved in the manipulation of physical resources, and therefore have systems that (1) source raw materials, (2) determine the economic quantity and cost of ordering from suppliers, (3) set standards of quality of materials to be sourced, (4) determine the mode of transportation and the conditions requisite in these various modes, and (5) provide the proper storage facilities with the requisite environmental conditions for as economical a cost as pos sible. These functions pertain to the supply chain, which involves the acquisition and processing of material goods, and their transformation into a form that customers may use. The supply chain also involves making goods available in their present form to the consumers who have need for them. For any manufacturing or merchandising business, the supply chain is ‘a global network of organizations that cooperate to improve the flows of materials and information between suppliers and customers at the lowest cost and the highest speed’ (Govil & Proth, 2002, p.7). The supply chain’s overriding goals is the maximization of customer satisfaction, which strategically is the ultimate objective of the business organization. Efficiencies that may be developed in a firm’s supply chain may result in competitive advantages that other firms may not find easy to imitate (Suhong, et al., 2006). This study will explore the operational processes of an actual firm, specifical ly Argos Ltd., subsidiary of the Home Retail Group. The supply chain management of the company will be the focus of the investigation. The objective of the study shall be to describe and evaluate the various operational processes that are undertaken in the course of managing the supply chain, from the time orders are originated with the suppliers to the moment the product is delivered to the consumers who are ultimately the end users. Argos was chosen as the subject of this research, because its merchandising retail operations provide a variety of opportunities and situations to observe the movement of materials and their distribution to the intended market throughout the length of the supply chain system. The case study enables an indepth analysis of the company, to the extent that secondary data is available, in furtherance of understanding the principles of supply chain management. Chapter 2: Literature review and background Literature review The academic literature on supply cha in management is substantial, prompted by the interest of manufacturing operations managers as to how they may improve efficiency and increase customer satisfaction with their products. The studies focus on various important aspects of supply chain management. Karadeniz (2009) draws attention to the importance of the retail site selection and its relation not only to the market

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Use of non-alphabetic languages (e.g. Chinese pictogrraphs) in information system Essay Example for Free

Use of non-alphabetic languages (e.g. Chinese pictogrraphs) in information system Essay One of the problems of information flow in the network system is the language barrier especially when information exchange is between two ports with different language. Linked with this problem is the difficulty in reading the information transferred, unless the two use the same writing system. Today, the effort in universalizing the system of writing or even the language had gone not much farther that is why, even in the information system, the hindrances brought by this problem can be clearly seen. There are a lot of systems of writing around the world but they can be categorized either in at least one of these three groups namely, logographic, syllabary and alphabetic (library. thinkquest. org). The first system, the logographic uses a single symbol to represent a word. The syllabary uses a single symbol to represent a syllable, which can then be combined to form a word. These two systems are of common use to many countries in Asia such as Japan, China and Korea. The last system, the alphabetic, uses characters or letters as the smallest unit to form syllables, which then represents a single unit of sound. Of these three, the alphabetic is the easiest to learn, mainly because it has less number of characters than those of the other systems that even has over thousands of symbols (library. thinkquest. org. ), although this is not necessarily mean that alphabetic is the most effective and efficient form to be use. Having the variety of system used in day to day encounter, the said variety is brought to the electronic-based system of communication which is the information system. The current information system uses mostly the QWERTY keyboard (home. earthlink. net). This type of keyboard specializes in the use of the alphabetic languages. Since alphabetic has only about less than 50 characters including letters and numerals, a unit can be represented in just one key, making it efficient for someone to key in words using the keyboard. On the other hand, system that uses logographic and syllabary such as the Chinese pictographs and the Japanese’ Katakana and Hiragana cannot have a single representation for a character since they are using thousands of characters and putting one by one in a single key for a character is not practical and even not an idea to think of. Solving this problem, there are two most common approaches in keying in characters or input text for non-alphabetical languages developed and are incorporated in the standard QWERTY keyboard so as to assist non-alphabetical language users to make input a little effective. These two are the radical-based method and the phonetic-based method on inputs (Hamzah pp. 311-312). In the radical based method, the standard stokes for a specific language is typed and then possible characters possessing the strokes you typed are prepared for you and then you select the right character that you are supposed to input. For example, there are 11, 172 Hangul characters but those characters has only 24 fundamental or basic strokes. Thus, to type Hangul or Korean characters, we only need to use 24 keys where every key has a unique stoke. This method is now commonly used in cellular phones. On the other hand, the phonetic-based input method uses the sound property of the alphabetic system in keying in characters. See Figure 1, courtesy of Hampzah p. 311 from http://www. pacis-net. org/file/2006/1104. pdf. In the figure on the previous page, if you want to key in non-alphabetic characters, you must first think of how the word is pronounced and then use its representation in alphabetic system. The original Japanese word can be pronounced as â€Å"tegakino† and thus tegakino must be typed in the QWERTY keyboard. Because the Japanese language have complexity in pronunciation brought about by words with similar sounds (www. japan-guide. com), then typing tagekino alone will not guarantee that what you are supposed to type is the right thing, so the system will then list characters with similar pronunciation as tagekino and now you are allowed to select the right group of characters that will fit or that you are intended to type. Noticed that in these two methods, the effort of input of a single character or a word is significantly higher than the effort it takes to input an alphabetical character or a word. This hypothesis is further proven by the study made on the input of Chinese and Japanese characters. The result of the study revealed that it takes about 36% of the total time of input of a Chinese character just to pick the right character from the list, even after the system of writing of Chinese is condensed and over 2000 characters are simplified (www. omniglot. com). Also, about 70% of the total time of input of Japanese characters account for choosing a kanji character that will be used in input for the intended Japanese character (Hamzah p. 313). Time is truly important in many of the transactions in the information system. More of the times, the data transfer must be done in real-time since the information transferred is either very important for the receiver or are controversial. Using the previous two methods of text input for non-alphabetical language, time is sacrificed and thus the flow of information or the processing of information becomes relatively slower, thus affecting great deal of transactions. Studies have been made in solving this issue and they come up with the idea of freeform annotation. Freeform annotation would mean that keying in characters will not use keyboard but by hand or through handwriting. This will use a somewhat scanning device that will scan the input through handwriting and then the system will match the strokes input with the characters stored in database. After the matching has been done, the characters selected by the computer will then be displayed and the user will be prompted by the computer to confirm if the selected characters are the intended characters of the users. However, only few are interested in making studies about the use of this method in information system (Hamzah p. 312). Other solutions that are now getting its way into the electronic system are those that are related to live translation. This would simply means that databases are to be build and programs would be produced so as to make information flow between users with different system of writing meet or be understood by both. Databases and programs such as Automatic Machine Translator, Multilingual Customer Support Platform and Glossary Builder will be utilized during data transfer to suit the preferred language and system of writing of the user (partners. wholetree. com). Thus using these innovations, the language barrier between nations with different systems of writing can now be lessen or even eliminated if more and more advancement with the technology and the linguistics experts’ cooperation in the succeeding projects. In the electronic age, the common problems that have arises concerning the language has been bought in the electronic-based system. Problems such as variations in the system of writing and the variations of pronunciation and usage of words are now a problem of the information system. Though there are assumed solutions to these problems like the annotation and translation processes, it is still difficult to solve the problems stated above. It is somehow linked with the problems with the variations of culture, for language is somewhat a part of it, that is why it is one of those problems that are almost impossible to give a definite solution. I am only saying it is almost impossible because I believe that through advancement and collaborative efforts, this flaw can have a solution. References Basic Information. 6 June 2007. http://www. japan-guide.com/e/e2050. html. Consider QWERTY†¦ the Typewriter Keyboard†¦Ã¢â‚¬  6 June 2007. http://home. earthlink. net/ ~dcrehr/whyqwert. html. Hamzah, Muhd Dzulkhiflee, et, al. (2006) A Video Analysis of Eye Movements During Typing. 6 June 2007. http://www. pacis-net. org/file/2006/1104. pdf. â€Å"Simplified Chinese Characters†. Omniglot: Writing Systems and Languages of the World. 6 June 2007. http://www. omniglot. com/writing/chinese_simplified. htm#simp. â€Å"The Development of Writing. † ThinkQuest. 6 June 2007. http://library. thinkquest. org/ C004367/la6. shtml.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Business Ethics Essay -- Ethics

According to Wikipedia, ethics, also known as â€Å"moral philosophy†, is a branch of philosophy that addresses questions about morality. Concepts such as good and bad, noble, right and wrong, justice and virtue. To business, ethics is a tool to examine principles and moral or ethical problems that arise in a business environment. Therefore, business ethics can be both a normative and a descriptive discipline. Ethics is a part of the larger social ethics, and also always affect business development. In other words, business ethics is a factor of determining the fundamental purposes of a company. Marketing ethics is a subset of business ethics. Because in marketing, ethics deals with the principles, values and ideas by marketers; it shows how they behave in business cases. Marketing ethics affects other processes of business. Visual communication is part of marketing ethics, it is observed and serves as an instrument of epistemic closure restricting worldviews with stereotypes of gender, social status and race relationships. Pricing is how firms work out price between produce processing and customers, Anti-competitive practices with supply and chains, Content of advertisements, like products regarded as immoral or harmful to public. Children and marketing could be concerned in this case. Children is a weak group and should get more protection in business sales action. In fall 2008, China’s baby milk crisis was about thousands of Chinese babies have developed kidney stones after drinking milk contaminated with melamine. An industrial chemical has highlighted the need for the country to improve detection standards for chemical contaminants in foods. In this case, the milk’s company failed to study ethics, instead of seeking profit wit... ...h person has grown up with a particular cultural background and their own understanding of right and wrong. From a businessperson’s point of view, Social factors also play and important part and so does education and up bringing it. To firms, it has significant meaning to promote ethical spirit with business development. Because ethics is a primary element to all business, ethical is an essential part of the foundation in society. A business or society that lakcs ethical principles is bound to fail sooner or later. References †¢ www.wikipedia.com ( vocabulary & definition search) †¢ CCTV4 â€Å"Face to Face† TV Program ( Statistics approve) †¢ Shang Hai University Survey ( Published by China daily ) †¢ Financial Time ( Resources& Example) †¢ (Published by Zhang Ruimin, CEO of Haier) †¢ www.baidu.com (Resources&Example)

Monday, November 11, 2019

Benefit of changing to Activity Based costing system

Activity Based Costing has been of great help to the companies and other forms of businesses. With the help of ABC, the organizations have been able to implement strategies to overcome various problems facing the welfare of their businesses and other activities in the organizations. The organizations have been able to assign cost of each activity to the products and services that are offered by a particular organization. This is done for the sole purpose of elimination of high prices to some products and due to lack or low profits in other products or services.The ABC rule is used as a tool by businesses to assign the cost of the business activities to the goods and services (organization products) offered by the business to its customers. It is used as a tool that understands the customers and the product cost and the overall profitability. It is also used to in supporting the decision making process as would be used in product pricing, marketing, identification and a way to measure the initiative of improvements. IntroductionThe Activity-Based Costing (ABC) is a method used by accountants that can allow the business to collect data in regard to their operations costs. Their operations cost is then assigned to specific activities that include planning, production and other organization activities and then they are associated with the variety of products and services. This enables the company to know what products and services have increasing profits and which have increased losses, this help in learning the flow of each product and service within the company.The use of ABC method help the concerned personnel in the company to prepare an effective data that will aid in preparing budget that will bring a greater achievements in the company and enable the company to have an effective plan for the expense that will keep the company running smoothly for a given period of time. ABC method is mostly effective and is much recommended for a longer period of time over t he short term as opposed by the theory of constraints. Research objectives The objectives of this research are: †¢ To determine the effectiveness of ABC†¢ To investigate how companies implement the ABC in their activities †¢ To compare the excellence of companies that use ABC and those that don’t use ABC †¢ To determine the advantages and disadvantages of ABC Literature review The activity based costing got first implementation in the 1980s. It was a formed as an alternative to replace the traditional way of cost management systems that was not effective in producing favorable results when allocating the costs. The implementation of the system was advocated by Professor Robert Kaplan of Harvard business school.It was initially used for private business though it has currently gained usage by even the public forums like those used to measure the efficiency of the governance. The ABC programs require proper planning and great commitment from the highest mana gement. It is recommendable to start up with trials in the organization. These trials may be done with the departments that are not performing well as it would be expected of them. This would be a great chance to show that the ABC is an effective system that would save money for the company with great achievements.On the other hand, if the company des not save money on this, either the system process was not well implemented or may not be effective for the company. (Gary, 1998) According to the study, the business should first set up a team that will master the progress of the product and which activity would be appropriate for the product and service. The team should include all persons from the different departments of the company. After the formation of the team and putting in place all the required materials, the activities that cost money are determined. (Cokins, 1999 and David 1991)At this point, great attention is paid for details on each activity are required, most of the co sts might be hidden and may bring in controversy there after for the may not be obvious initially. Even though there might be some replacement to human labor, it’s still important to determine the fixed cost of a product or service. (Cokins, 2000) Even though this method is important to the business, it has some risks. The companies that use the ABC system, the risk using too much time and money while trying to implement the system and collecting data, going through it and in implementations.Lack of detailed data can lead to frustrations of the managers and can on the other hand contribute to the down fall of the system. Mistake done on the data collection can lead to downfall again if not noticed before implementation. (Joyce, 1999) Through the implementation of the activity based costing, the employees are able to understand the different costs that are involved in different activities. This enables them to analyze and identify the activities that add value to the product a nd those that do not, it helps them improve on value and benefits are realized.In the DHL Company, the employees are involved in collecting data and views from the clients; this enables them to involve themselves in quality improvement of their services and eliminate the non profitable activities that enable the overall company’s efficiency. (Henricks, 1999) The ABC system has helped the DHL Company to answer the market need in providing quality service at a better and competitive price. This system has helped the company’s to management in the decision making process. (Hicks, 1998) This has helped the company to reduce the price of their services without a decline in value of their services.(Hicks, 1999) The benefits of the ABC system are now in use in most institutions that include the government departments and the public financial institutions. The Barclays bank New York changed its accounting method to provide accurate and cost effective data. Through the change t o ABC, the Barclays bank has particularly found it helpful compared to the former funding based accounting systems that was designed for ensuring legal compliance. (Paulo, 1998) In the use of ABC, the managers are able to direct funds where they are more beneficial.They are able to learn the weaker points in the organization making it easy for them to implement the most beneficial activity in the business. (Robert, 2004) The managers in Barclays bank found that ordinary accounts were not doing much well compared to loans, they campaigned for people to take more loans at simpler rates and prolonged repayments period, and this increased to Banks profits than ever. The bank is launching new loan strategies that are expected to double the profits. (Robert and Bruns, 1987)

Saturday, November 9, 2019


Sampling products at various stores In Sioux Falls and surrounding areas. Provide customer service to customers In store at all times. Inventory of products before and after sales and record numbers to marketing firm. Send invoice of completion of position. Medication Aid Resident Assistant 11/08- 2/1 1 DOD Rumen Assisted Living Provided nursing care assigned by staff nurse Provided nursing care In conformance with established standards and administrative policies. Performed room checks Assisted with organizing charts Charted blood pressures, Tall's Passed medication as scheduled and PORN BasisOther duties as assigned Medication Aid 10/07-02/08 Ward Assisted Living Sioux Falls, South Dakota Administer medications to residents at scheduled times and as needed. Assist with dietary needs of residents Housekeeping, cleaning of residents residential room's and assist with daily laundry Other Duties as assigned Independent Contractor 1 1104-present Haute Model/Reel People Talent Agency Oma ha, Nebraska Worked cooperatively with employer on pre-marketing sales promotions. Researched product prior to marketing to customers. Set up and gather inventory for specific product demonstrations.Ensure that the product and services provided to customers are effective and satisfactory. Prepare post-inventory report at the completion of event. Customer Assistance Professional 08/02-04/04 1st Financial Bank; USA Sioux Falls South Dakota Advised credit card holders of delinquency on billing statements. Proposed variety of payment program solutions to bring customers up to date. Provide positive feedback on budgeting, maintaining balances and establishing good credit. Provide superior customer service via telephone.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Effects of Satire essays

The Effects of Satire essays Often authors use satire to put a point across in their writing. Brave New World, Aldous Huxley; Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury; and The Handmaids Tale, Margaret Atwood are all good examples of such satire. Each of these authors mock society in the way they feel it will be in the future if some of the actions that society takes go too far. They all do this by describing a different kind of Utopia. There are forms of brainwashing, censorship, control and fear in each novel which then lead to some sort of rebellion because of personal conflicts. Huxley uses satire in his novel to describe what he is thinking about technology today. In Brave New World there is a convention where babies are artificially produced. There is no such thing as reproducing humans sexually. There is still such a thing as sex, yet it is strictly for pleasure only. There are so many new ways to produce humans technologically today and Huxley is stating that if society doesnt control such technology that the technology will soon take control of us. Our society could turn out to be that of a Brave New World. In Bradburys Fahrenheit 451, Bradbury is satirizing technology also. Bradbury uses a thing called the Parlour Family. This is a room that has something much like a television studio. The main character, Guy Montag has one of these. His wife is constantly glued to it and calls the people her family. She is more involved with her parlour family that she almost forgets Guy is there most of the time. This parlour represents the television or even the computer and the internet. Technology is so advanced today that Bradbury is predicting how technological it will be in the future. He is depicting people of today who are constantly glued to a television or computer. Bradbury is putting across that society must not let technology tare you away from your family and friends. People should get out and do more then wa...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Alzheimer\s Disease Essays - Cognitive Disorders, Free Essays

Alzheimer?s Disease Alzheimer?s disease is named after Dr. Alois Alzheimer who discovered the disease in 1906 after studying the brain tissue of an elderly woman who died of an unusual mental illness. It is a serious disease which causes mental deterioration and eventually death. Alzheimer?s disease is ?a progressive degenerating process of neural tissue? (Black). The symptoms of this disease can be slowed with certain treatments, but cannot yet be prevented or cured. Although not an infectious disease, Alzheimer?s is still very prominent in the world. Forty-five percent of people who are eighty-five and older have Alzheimer?s disease (Alzheimer?s). Also, the number of cases of Alzheimer?s is rapidly increasing. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) states that, ?experts suggest that as many as 5.1 million Americans may have Alzheimer?s disease? and that there are ?200,000 individuals under age 65 who have younger-onset Alzheimer?s? (NIH). Alzheimer?s is also the sixth leading cause of death in the United States. While other diseases? mortality rates are declining, Alzheimer?s mortality rate has gone up by sixty-six percent in the past eight years alone (Alzheimer?s). According to the NIH, scientists do not yet understand what causes Alzheimer?s. However, they do believe that Alzheimer?s develops due to a complicated series of events in the brain. The cause of Alzheimer?s is thought to be a mix of factors having to do with genetics, environment, and lifestyle. It is interesting to note that recent studies have shown that African Americans are actually at a higher risk of getting Alzheimer?s than other races. This may be due to the fact that African Americans have a higher rate of vascular disease, which is one of the risk factors of Alzheimer?s (African). Women also are more susceptible to this disease. As the NIH states, ?Because people differ in their genetic make-up and lifestyle, the importance of any one of these factors in increasing or decreasing the risk of developing Alzheimer?s may differ from person to person? (NIH). This makes finding a cure for Alzheimer?s all the more difficult because so many factors can affect it. Alzheimer?s is categorized in four different levels of severity: Early, Mild, Moderate, and Severe. During the Early Alzheimer?s stage, the patient has a decline in certain aspects of cognition such as word-finding, vision/spatial issues, and impaired reasoning or judgment. Some other symptoms may include: depression, social withdrawal, mood swings, distrust in others, irritability, aggressiveness, changes in sleeping habits, wandering, loss of inhibitions, and delusions, such as believing something has been stolen (NIH). Later, in the Mild Alzheimer?s stage, memory loss and other cognitive abilities worsen. A person with Alzheimer?s may have problems such as getting lost, trouble handling money and paying bills, repeating questions, taking longer to complete normal daily tasks, poor judgment, and mood and personality changes. As it progresses even further into Moderate Alzheimer?s, damage occurs to parts of the brain that control language, reasoning, sensory processing, and consciou s thought. Memory loss and confusion will worsen even more, and the patient will have trouble recognizing familiar people (NIH). The NIH says that, ?[The patient] may be unable to learn new things, carry out tasks that involve multiple steps (such as getting dressed), or cope with new situations. They may have hallucinations, delusions, and paranoia, and may behave impulsively? (NIH). By the time the patient reaches the final stage, Severe Alzheimer?s, the brain tissue will have shrunk significantly. According to the NIH, ?People with severe Alzheimer?s cannot communicate and are completely dependent upon others for their care. Near the end, the person may be in bed most or all of the time as the body shuts down? (NIH). Alzheimer?s vastly affects the daily life of a patient and his or her family. A person with Alzheimer?s will be very limited in the things that most people consider normal, daily tasks. As stated above, they will have trouble communicating with other people, and memory loss will take away most of or all reliability from them. They will also lose the ability to drive safely, as they will be more likely to get lost, will have a harder time turning, or may drift out of their lane more often (Driving). Their family and friends will also be greatly affected

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Personality Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Personality Development - Essay Example Similarly, if a person lacks the cognitive abilities by nature, that is, if there is some inherited mental deficiency, development will be at stake. Cognition, by virtue of its definition, plays the most vital part in developing an individual's personality. Moreover, evolution, genes, and environment are three other factors that highly contribute to the development of personality. It is not only the history of humankind and its birth but also the type of environment they are exposed to which shape an individual. As far as aggression is concerned, it takes its roots from all three factors. Evolution can lead to the appearance of aggressive personalities if relying on the trait of aggression for human survival is deemed necessary and vital for sustainability. If in the past, people who were more aggressive succeeded in sustaining themselves better, it is an evidence of a high proportion of aggressive personalities present today. Furthermore, it is also certain that an individual's pers onality is also a result of their genes. ... Circumstances in life, which an individual faces and the demands of those situations are best, reflected in the type of their personality. For a child, the parents are the best role models. In that, they shape the child's personality through different ways and interactions. For example, if a child's parents appreciate their time management, innovative drawings, or projects and encourage them to opt for newer challenging tasks, the child will be high on conscientiousness. Moreover, if those parents encourage behavior such as public speaking, socializing and deter them from introversion, the child will grow up to be an extrovert. Behaviors encouraged by parents, tend to be repeated and become a part of the child's personality. Self-efficacy is another important factor that plays a part in shaping an individual's personality. Basically, ''self-efficacy is defined as people's beliefs about their capabilities to produce designated levels of performance that exercise influence over events that affect their lives. Self-efficacy beliefs determine how people feel, think, motivate themselves and behave... A strong sense of efficacy enhances human accomplishment and personal well-being in many ways'' (Bandura, 1994). A person is rightly defined by their level of self-belief. If a person lacks the desired self efficacy, it is very likely that they will be adversely effected by the minor challenges in life or certain tasks and will not be able to cope up to achieve desired goals. Such behaviors lead to a weak personality that is easily discouraged and deterred by trivial problems. However, individuals who possess a strong self-efficacy can be seen as those with stronger personalities, those

Thursday, October 31, 2019

United Nations human rights council Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

United Nations human rights council - Essay Example As the newly appointed ambassador of the United States of America to the United Nations, the country I would choose to fill a seat on the United Nations Human Rights Council, between the Netherlands and France in the Western Europe region, is the Netherlands. Both countries have decent human rights records that have met minimal international standards. However, after weighing and assessing the relative merits of the two regarding human rights structures and enforcement, I would choose the Netherlands. While both Western European countries have a developed network of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and independent oversight bodies intended to monitor, assess, and prevent violations, the Netherlands appears to be more open to implementing recommendations and dedicated to raising awareness of its problems among its citizens.Additionally, France's primary area of human rights violations seems more reprehensible, since it stems from within administration, specifically, abuse of powe r by the police forces, a problem that has persisted for years. As was done in this paper, future candidates to the United Nations Human Rights Council should undergo a vigorous vetting, wherein each category of human rights is investigated for infractions, recommendations, openness to and successful implementation of recommendations. The United Nations Human Rights Council is an "intergovernmental body" instituted by the United Nations, consisting of forty-seven countries. ... For the purpose of this paper, France and the Netherlands will be touted as two viable candidates for a seat on the United Nations Human Rights Council. Both Western European countries have laid out their own policies regarding human rights. As France points out, its long history has made it privy to the progression of human rights over time, dating back to its Enlightenment period. France's past efforts to recognize human rights include the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen in 1789 and the adoption of UDHR in 1948 (with one of its own citizens, Rene Cassin, having a hand in the document). The country declares itself an avid advocate of international independent committees working with countries in adhering to UDHR guidelines. (French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, 2008) Non-governmental structures and embassy reports help France to monitor and address human rights violations. In 1947, the National Consultative Commission of Human Rights (NCCHR), an independent advisory board, was instituted. This Commission monitors all areas of human rights from police conduct to discriminatory hiring practices and provides overall recommendations on policies to the government (FMFEA, 2008; U.S. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, 2009). Another main human rights structure is the independent National Security Ethics Commission (CNDS) which looks into allegations of misconduct by law enforcement officials (U.S. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, 2009). As the Netherlands professes in its official human rights policy, the country works to abolish the death penalty worldwide, supports the rights and freedoms of women, children, and religious minorities, and is against discrimination towards

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Jazz Dance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Jazz Dance - Essay Example Jazz dance hasgreatly been affected by communal dance and common music. This paper is intended to describe history and development of jazz dance. Rhythms and movements that were brought to America by African slaves have come upon the origin of jazz dance. The style of African dance is all natural; low, knees bent, vibrating body movements emphasized by body isolations and hand-clapping. As slaves immigratedto America, starting during the 1600’s, Africans from different cultures wereseparated from their families, languages and tribal traditions. This resulted to merging of African cultures that created a new culture with both European and Africancomponents. The Slave Act of 1740 intended to prohibit slaves from performing African dances, but that did not hide their wish to grip to those parts of their cultural identity. African dance involved movements and rhythms which includedhand-clapping,foot stamping and tapping, and currentlythis is known as a jazz dance. The term "Jazz" was initially related to a genre of music dance during World War I. Jazz in a dance form, however, emerges from the parlanceAfricans’ dances when they were being brought to the Americas on slave ships. This form of dance emerged together with jazz music in New Orleans at the beginning of 1900s. From 1930s to 1960s, Jazz dance changed from this body of parlanceinto a theatre-based performance form of dance that needed a much trained dancer.During this time, dancers from the ballet and modern dance worlds experimented with the jazz dance style. All of these dancers affected jazz by wanting many trained dancers to perform a given set of movements, which was very different from the informal form of New Orleans back in the 1900s. Also, during this span of period (circa. 1950) jazz dance was intensely affected by Caribbean and other Latin American dance styles which were established by anthropologist and dancer Katherine Dunham. Jazz is also like choreography too. Jazz dance throughout

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Rethinking Of Public Spaces Cultural Studies Essay

The Rethinking Of Public Spaces Cultural Studies Essay Public Space seems like an obvious and straightforward term, denoting areas where anyone-the public- might go. Yet we use the term not so much to signify everything that is not private space; we use it to imply space that has been deliberately created as a public amenity, space that has some deliberate public use, be it ceremony, recreation, celebration, or commerce. Public space, in this sense, is functional. Understanding of public spaces, which is focused on the making of places for people. Moreover, it focuses on design as the process of making better places for people than would otherwise be produced. This definition asserts the importance of four themes; First, it stresses that design is for and about people. Second, it emphasises the value and significance of place. Third, it recognises that design operates in the real world, with its field of opportunities constrained and bounded by economic (market) and political (regulatory) forces. Fourth. It asserts the importance of design as a process. Peter Buchanan argued that urban design was essentially about place making, where places are not just a specific space, but all the activities and events that make it possible. The report demonstrates how a strategic approach can be developed to channel resources in a coherent way to transform the built environment. It shows how uncluttered and joined up public spaces can be built to promote civic values and commercial competitiveness, and how public space can bring people together for a positive, shared experience of urban living. Public spaces are those that derive a unique identity from the buildings, structures, and landscaping that encloses them and gives them form. Their identity is also derived from the people that occupy the buildings and spaces and the uses they put to them to. These spaces are of various shapes, sizes and functions. They often include trees and other landscaping, but crucially they are all an integral part of the built form of the city. They perform an architectural function because they relate to surrounding buildings through their design and use. As building density increases so too does the need for public open space and the need for considerate neighbours. Public spaces can provide visual relief and recreational open space with a density developed area, and it can also serve to promote standards in public behaviour. If people are to be aware of the complexity and variety of the society they are a part of, and if they are to appreciate notions of civic identity and respect for others, there must be a place where they can occasionally see and experience a diverse cross section of that society. When people can actively participate in life within the public realm, they learn how to conduct themselves within it. This is especially important for developing ideas about citizenship. By simply standing in a lively public space, where different age groups and different members of society are gathered together, there is a shared experience that evokes a positive sense of participation. If the design, implementation, and management of new public spaces are undertaken through a partnership approach that engages with local people, urban character and social cohesion can be strengthened. These spaces can then contribute to a richer mix of facilities that attract both local people and visitors, and can help to make a city more competitive in attracting mobile investment within the global marketplace. It is helpful to understand why these spaces have been developed by different communities through history, and to establish the demands that these spaces have been expected to satisfy. Historical analysis can help to establish a theme that such spaces have been developed to address through the ages, such as the need to provide a population with a place for festivals or with a symbolic focal point that reinforces their collective identity. An understanding of the past can often inform the present and indicate how the future mite unfolds. The people and markets in these vast urban areas are interconnected as never before, especially due to advances in information technology. The spread and mixing of peoples has resulted in cities with people from a variety of ethnic backgrounds, ideologies, faiths, and income groups. The results have led to diversity and opportunity but also to tension and fear. A degree of acceptance between people has been necessary for peaceful coexistence in many cultural diverse urban areas. Perhaps a notion that we have more in common than separating us has supported this. It is often peoples identification with a city itself that helps to serve as a bridge between cultural differences. This can be seen in Beirut in Lebanon, where reconstruction works are providing new public places that are bringing together people who are previously separated by civil war. Such places reinforce a collective identity and sense of belonging throughout a diverse urban population. The design of public space is especially important in bringing people together and in creating a shared experience of a city. I write about the influence of public space on the cultural life and values of urban society. How well used public spaces can strengthen the collective consciousness of the urban population. The characters of such spaces are made up of the following design aspects: Character: a place with its own identity Continuity and enclosure: a place where public and private spaces are clearly distinguished Quality of the public reclaim: a place with attractive and successful outdoor areas (i.e. areas which are valued by people who use them or pass through them) Ease of movement: a place that is easy to get to and move through Legibility: a place that has clear image and is easy to understand Adaptability: a place that can change easily Diversity: a place with variety and choice The analysis can begin to show how spaces can be developed to model all of these aspects, especially because they contain intensive interactions between people, buildings, and surroundings. GLOBALIZATION AND INCREASED DIVERSITY: With increasing globalization this trend has intensified. Two countervailing processes are occurring. Large numbers of people are moving from developing countries to more developed regions to obtain better jobs and education and increasingly use the public spaces of the city. Yet while the macro environment is becoming more diverse because of increased flows of immigrants, differences in local population growth rates, local environments are experiencing increased vernacularization and homogeneity immigrant enclaves are growing in the city, and gated communities are developing in the suburbs and edge cities. One way, is to make sure that our urban parks, beaches, and heritage sites those large urban spaces where we all come together remain public, in the sense of providing a place for everyone to relax, learn, and recreate. CULTURAL DIVERSITY IS GOOD FOR: Ulf Hannerz (1996) suggests that the value of diversity is so entrenched in the contemporary discourse about culture that it is difficult to reflect clearly on it. So he offers what he calls his seven arguments for diversity to make the point that there are many basic reasons to consider cultural diversity important to our lives. He includes many of the points, arguing that cultural diversity is important because it provides: The moral right to ones culture, including ones cultural heritage and cultural identity; The ecological advantage of different orientations and adaptions to limited environmental resources; A form of cultural resistance to political and economic domination by elites and power asymmetries and a way to counteract relations of dependency; The aesthetic sense and pleasurable experience of different worldviews, ways of thinking, and of other cultures in their own rights; The possibility of confrontation between cultures that can generate new cultural processes; A source of creativity; and A fund of tested knowledge about ways of going about things. (Hannerz 1996, 56-57) Attention to cultural diversity also leads to community empowerment, expanded citizenship, and the involvement of people in the governance and maintenance of their neighbourhoods and workplaces. It expands the notion of individual rights of citizenship to include the survival of ones culture and/or cultural group, and the marking of its importance in the landscape. Also to add that creativity from cultural contact and interaction flows from cooperation as well as from working out solutions to conflicts and confrontation. Therefore, cultural diversity utilized effectively and honestly, leads to more democratic practises and peaceful relationships between people within a locality especially if all groups are treated equally with respect for their needs, desires, and adequate space and resources for work, home, and recreation. VALUE AND NATURE OF PUBLIC SPACES: Public space is the stage upon which the drama of communal life unfolds. The streets, squares, and parks of a city give form to the ebb and flow of human exchange. These dynamic spaces are an essential counterpart to the settled places and routines of work and home life, providing the channels for movement, the nodes of communication, and the common grounds for play and relaxation. There are pressing needs that public space can help people to satisfy, significant human rights that can be shaped to define and protect, and special cultural meanings that it can best convey. These themes to be explored and developed in this report, reveal the value of public space and lay the groundwork for improved design and encourage interactions. In all communal life there is a dynamic balance between public and private activities. Within this balance, different cultures place differing emphases on public space. How public spaces can be made to serve human needs, from passive relaxation, through active engagement with others, to discovery of unknown worlds. Public space will be seen to convey meanings, from those that reinforce personal and group life to those that challenge the accepted world view of the culture and open the mind to new insights. There are three primary values that guide the development of our perspective: we believe that public places should be responsive, democratic, and meaningful. Responsive spaces are those that are designed and managed to serve the needs of their users. The primary needs that people seek to satisfy in public space are those for comfort, relaxation, active and passive enagement, and discovery. Relaxation provides relief from the stresses of daily life and both active and passive engagement with others promote individual well-being and community. Public spaces can also be a setting for physically and mentally rewarding activity, such as exercise, gardening, or conversation. It can be a place for discovery of self or others, a step into the larger world. Visual and physical contact with nature and plants can also result in important health and restoration benefits for people. Democratic spaces protects the rights of user groups. They are accessible to all groups and provide for freedom of action but also for temporary claim and ownership.A public space can be a place to act more freely than when under constraints of home or workplace. In most settings one can temporarily lay claim to a piece of turf even when one does not own it. Ultimately, public space can be changed by public action, because it is owned by all. In such spaces, people learn to live together. Meaningful spaces are those that allow people to make strong connection between the place, their personal lives, and the larger world. They relate to their physical and social context. These connections may be to ones own history or future, to a valued group, to ones culture or relevant history, to biological and psychological realities, or even to other worlds. A continuously used public space with its many memories can help anchor ones sense of personal continuity in a rapidly changing world. By the build-up of overlapping memories of individual and shared experience, a place becomes sacred to a community. These values can incorporate the public space motivations. For instance, they define public interaction. visual and environmental motives come into play in satisfying peoples need for active engagement , discovery, and meaning. Public space values must grow out of an understanding of why people got o such spaces, how they actually use them, and what they mean to their users overtime. The existence of some form of public life is a prerequisite to the development of public spaces. Although every society has some mixture of public and private, the emphasis given to each one and the values they express help to explain the differences across settings, across cultures, and across times. The public spaces created by societies serve as a mirror of their public and private values as can be seen in the Greek agora, the roman forum, the new England common, and the contemporary plaza, as well as Canalettos scene of Venice. Throughout history, communities have developed public spaces that support their needs, whether these are markets, places for sacred celebrations, or sites for local rituals. Public spaces often come to symbolize the community and the larger society or culture in which it exists. Although there are vast differences in the forms of communal life across societies, public life has been an integral part of the formation and continuation of social groups. Public places afford casual encounters in the course of daily life that can bind people together and give their lives meaning and power. It also offers relief from the stresses of work, providing opportunities for relaxation, entertainment, and social contact. People can discover new things and learn from others. It has the potential of bringing diverse groups together so that they learn from each other, perhaps the richest quality of a multiclass, multicultural, heterogeneous society. It also serves as a social binder on the scale of a groups history and culture. We can take encouragement from the increasing consciousness of the value of positive public life experience and the efforts of many to ensure that such opportunities continue and increase. Many recent events have fostered their awareness the consumer movement, the work of public space activists, and the advocates for parks, local gardens, and other community spaces. It leads to increased beneficial contacts between different cultural groups and greater tolerance and understanding is much to be desired. It is towards a rich, diverse, and open public life that we should be striving. EVOLVING PUBLIC SPACE: Against the historical backdrop of public life, public spaces have arisen out of many different forces. Some were the consequences of the creeping encroachment of a society bent on finishing and filling up spaces, especially in urban areas. Some were the products of heterogeneous society with many different needs, interests, and aesthetics. Others were products of a desire for careful planning, whatever the priorities guiding their forms and functions. I define public spaces as open, publicly accessible places where people go for group or individual activities. While public spaces can take many forms and may assume various names such as plazas, malls, and playgrounds, they all share common ingredients. They are formed by at least two different processes. Some have developed naturally that is an ad hoc way without deliberate planning through appropriation, by repeated use in a particular way, or by the concentration of people because of an attraction. Each of these results in a plac e that accommodates people for specific purpose and becomes, over time, a site that people rely on to meet, relax or interact. These spaces also enable people to connect with others, to affiliate in some way with other people. Some users may seek specific activities hoping or certain that they will be available in a site. These may be bicyclers going to use paths in parks, people going to the beach to sun or swim, or the elderly in search of a bench. The intensity and nature of the activity may vary but there is an expectation that specific experiences will be possible in the place and that particular resources will be available. PUBLIC SPACE MEANINGS AND CONNECTIONS: People need links to the world, and some are provided by the spaces they inhabit and the activities occurring within these spaces. Public spaces experiences yield meanings that accrue over time, and if these are positive meanings they will lead to connections that go beyond the immediate experience of a setting. Links are established between that place and the life of an individual, links to a valued group, to a whole culture and its history, economics, and politics, or symbolically to the universe or other worlds through a persons biological and psychological reality, through nature, through growth. a interactive place is on which, in some way appropriate to the person and her culture, makes her aware of her community, her past, the web of life, and the universe of time and space in which these are contained. In order for people to see some positive meaning in a place it must resonate with their lives and evoke patterns of use that create bonds with the space. If people see possibilities and share goals with others, their connections to that place will be enhanced. The site will be an evocative one, a place that resounds with the memories and experiences of an individual, a family, a group, or a culture in ways that connect each one to a larger entity, a group memory, or experience. While important connections can derive from an individuals personal history, they may also stem from the history of a group from an area where connections to other members enhance and shape the experience of a place. Spatial identity is largely a product of social relationships with others. These others may be loosely affiliated groups or cultural, sub cultural, or national ones. Public space meanings develop when people are able to form root in an area, when settings become important parts of their lives. This occurs when space are well suited to their surroundings both physically and socially, when they support the kinds of activities users desire, and when they engender feelings of comfort, safety, and connections to other people. Individual connections emerge in a number of ways from a persons life and personal experience, from a tradition of use of an area, and from special events in a place. These bonds are enhanced by the presence of natural elements and design features suggesting connections to the larger universe. BOOKS: WEBSITES: Lownsbrough,H. Beunderman,J. (2007).  Equally Spaced? Public space and interaction between diverse communities.  Available: http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=enq=The+authors+of+the+report+would+like+to+thank+the+Commission+for+Racial+Equality+for+their+support+for+the+realisation+of+this+report.+In+particular,+we+would+li. Last accessed 15 April 2010. Brand,J. (2009).  Physical Space and Social Interaction.  Available: http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=enq=Physical+Space+and+Social+Interactionmeta=aq=faqi=aql=oq=gs_rfai=. Last accessed 20 April 2010.